Осипова Л.Е. 1, Осипова М.Е. 2, Романюк Г.А. 3, Ефремов A.P. 4
Студент1, Омский государственный аграрный университет имени П. А. Столыпина; студент2, Омский государственный аграрный университет имени П. А. Столыпина; заместитель генерального директора по технологии, ЗАО “Иртышское”, Омский район, Омская область3; Кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент, Омский государственный аграрный университет имени П.А. Столыпина4
В статье представлены материалы, базирующиеся на результатах развития и реорганизации производственного процесса, а также технологии производства пищевых яиц.
Ключевые слова: технология, производство пищевых яиц.
Osipova L.E.,1 Osipova M.E.,2 Romanyuk G.A.,3 Efremov A.P.4
Student1 Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A.Stolypin , student2 Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A.Stolypin , Deputy General Director for Technology, “Irtyshskoye” CJSC, Omskiy district, Omsk Region.
3, candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate professor, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin 4.
The article presents materials based on the results of manufacturing process development and reconstruction as well as technology of food eggs production.
Keywords: technology, food eggs production.
Sufficiency of food supply to the population, including such hi-energetic product as chicken egg, is the primary task of present poultry breeding. Basing on poultry breeding branch solution about increase of total egg production at minimal cost, the staff of “Irtyshskoye” poultry factory farm, with regard of the task of such grandeur, has turned to production area reconstruction and efficient appropriation of new technologies.
We have set the task of complete analysis of conducted production reconstruction, to solve it we have regarded the issues of direct connection between production reconstruction investments and financial profits achieved.
The research was conducted at the areas of “Irtyshskoye” CJSC, Omskiy district, Omsk Region.
Reconstruction of production facilities with replacement of outdated equipment with new specimen was initiated in 2003 and gradually, within 10 years, 2 or 3 of reconstructed poultry-breeding facilities were introduced.
Firstly, standard facilities of 95х18 m. and 36000 poultry capacity were re-equipped with new techniques; area capacity was increased to 87000 of poultry.
Secondly, the number of necessary service staff was decreased as a result of re-equipment. For instance, the service of one poultry facility egg collection line involved three operators with workload of 11,0 – 11,5 thousand of eggs per employee, and after re-equipment and automation of egg collection the line is serviced by one operator, and the production is increased 2,4 times. So, for poultry-breeding department, one facility’s egg production is over seven times’ increased.
Thirdly, employment of modern technologies in production, transportation, sorting and other industrial operations allows increase of employee’s wages. So, before the reconstruction one operator’s salary constituted twenty thousand rubles. One poultry-breeding facility was services by three operators; consequently, total wages constituted sixty thousand. General bulk of facilities for the farm counted twenty-four, and sole operators’ salary cost one million four hundred forty thousand rubles; after reconstruction the process involves fifteen operators; that means 3,2-time decrease of salary costs, and constitutes four hundred fifty thousand rubles.
Next, food egg total collection, at old technology use, constituted approximately 330 thousand of eggs per operator, and after the conduction of reconstruction food egg collection per operator was increased 7,3 times and constituted 2 mio. 400 thousand pieces.
Next, the introduction of mechanized processes for collection and further industrial processes with food eggs has allowed 4,8-time decrease of working staff; instead of 72 operators necessary for food egg production technology, now just 15 persons are involved. Instead of 90 persons involved in operations of ready product shop and egg warehouse, now just 60 persons are involved as well.
In general, the food egg production line can be described as tracing the egg transit route from the aviary with layer fowl to the goods’ warehouse. With automated egg collection, the eggs are transported from the cage to the conveyor and transported to egg sorting machines. Sorting operators track their moving through egg-testers, removing wounded and “bloodied” eggs. After testing the eggs are moved by the conveyor to electronic weight for classification and packing.
Finally, the researches conducted and analysis of “Irtyshskoye” CJSC economic activities allow us making the following conclusion:
conducted reconstruction, accompanied with automation and mechanization of basic complex processes of vendible food eggs’ production, collection, sorting and packing, meet the contemporary requirements and allow multiple decrease of handwork, and increase of production profitability on the base of increased work efficiency.
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